Wednesday, March 13, 2024

8 Values of Free Expression

     After reading the Eight Values of Free Expression, it took me a minute to understand which ones resonated with me most.  After long reflection and looking back at my life I felt that there were two values that truly resonated with me most.  Both (Stable Change ( aka Safety Valve) — see Benedict Spinoza, Tractatus-Theologico Politicus) and ( Individual Self-Fulfillment ( aka Self-Actualization) — see C. Edwin Baker, Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech) I connected with.  When reading into what they truly mean, Stable change as stated in Professor Smith's Blog,“a society in which angry and alienated citizens are allowed to speak their mind, or "vent," will be more stable, as people will be less likely to resort to violence.”  Individual Self-Fulfillment as stated “Free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity.”  When connected together, if angry and alienated people are allowed to speak their mind, which is free speech meaning they can express themselves, they will not resort to violence.  This is extremely important today, considering what is happening in the world.  If we look indepthly into the human mind and their actions and level of sensitivity, our generation's level is quite low.  With protests and organizations in mind, without choosing something too controversial, Vegans and organizations like PETA, have held protests against use of animal testing and consumption of animals.  Obviously like in any protest there will be people who disagree with the cause and it can lead to violence.  With the two values of Stable Change and Individual Self-Fulfillment it is important that all voices are heard without violence regardless of difference in opinions.  

In reflection to my life, the two values that I chose made me think of a time where I used free speech in my junior year of high school.  Though my situation is drastically different to the example I gave above about protests, I would like to use the difference of opinions aspect.  In high school, I had a Dean who many will say took her job a little too seriously.  Obviously she had a very important job to do and a reputation to uphold.  Her job was to make sure her students were staying out of trouble, and doing what they were supposed to.  Though she had power over us as students and as a student I was supposed to respect her, which I did, she tended to abuse that power, and by doing that students didn’t like her.  She would have had us rather fear her than respect her.  It is important to mention that my father worked at my high school, and the position he was in was higher than her.  For whatever reason she didn't like me, and she made that clear in the four years I was there.  One day during my junior year I was late to school.  I was extremely flustered and trying to get to class.  I was filling out my late pass, when my dean appeared and she started yelling at me.  She made comments such as: “You think you are privileged and allowed to be late”, “You think you have so much power”, and other things similar to that.  She believed that since my dad had worked there that I thought that I was entitled, and that was far from the truth.  I just wanted to be a normal high school junior, who was trying to stay away from and not be associated with my dad if anything.  Well, earlier in the year there was a similar incident where she had made the comment “You are so lucky your father works here”.  I knew that had made my dad extremely upset and he even expressed that to her and asked her not to do that again.  So, back to the day I was late, she made the same comment and I more or less told her off.  All of the hate piled up from freshman year had come out, kind of like “word vomit”.  I remember running to one of my teachers saying “what the hell did I just do” and I remember my teacher telling me “what you needed to do”.  Now she wanted to get me suspended, but I wasn’t about to allow that.  I decided I was going to write a Google Doc to read to her about how I felt with the way she has treated me in the years I had been at the school.  Though I knew she would act like it went in one ear and out the other, I knew deep down that whatever I was going to say I wanted it to show her my boundaries and change the way she was not only treating me, but my classmates and friends.  When she heard what I said the only thing she could say was “you should be a lawyer”.  I took it as a compliment.  When it was made aware to the principal and vice principals they apologized to me and I was not in trouble or suspended.  In the end, I decided to stand up for what I believed in, without getting violent.  When people ask me why I did what I did, I say I did it for my Father.  My dad always tells me to stick up for what I believe in and use my free speech because I can.  

    All together, The 8 values of Free Expression can be relevant to any person and any experience in their lives.  I related two of the values in one of the most important experiences I've ever had in high school.  Each value is important on their own and essential to normal everyday life.

Supreme Court Video

 I truly didn’t know much about the supreme court let alone the government before watching this video.  Of course I knew a little from what I heard in passing on television when my parents would watch the news in the morning or at dinner, and what I would hear when my older relatives talked about politics at family gatherings/holidays.  The video was quite educating, teaching about what the court does on a daily basis and what the people of the court do.  The video itself went in depth into what judges and law enforcement individuals do on a day to day basis.  It also talked about the conflict of personal feelings and views getting involved in the office, office work, and cases, in regards to the justice system and Supreme Court.  

Though it may seem like the Supreme Court is just another piece of the government, and that the decisions they make are not exceedingly important, that is far from the truth.  The Supreme Court is the highest form of court in the United States of America.  It is important to remember how important the US Supreme Court is.  As stressed in the video, the Supreme Court protects all of the rights, laws, and basically everything when it comes to being a United States citizen.  With the Supreme Court playing an essential role in each branch of the government, it is important that all of the members stick together in making important decisions.  I found it interesting after watching the video and further research that there were only nine members, I figured there would be more.  

All in All, the Supreme Court is an extremely important part of the United States Government, as it plays a crucial role in the decision making of multiple factors that contribute to the good of the citizens of its country.  The video not only educated me about the Supreme Court but also made me intrigued to learn more, which lead to me researching on my own.  I believe that this is a great video to show someone who is uneducated or interested in learning about how the government works and how the Supreme Court is the powerhouse that makes up the government.  

Top 5 Sources of News

 My top 5 sources of hearing news:

  1. Tiktok (

Tiktok is one of the top social media platforms currently.  Tiktok allows people to share news, stories, videos, etc. Interestingly enough, various news stations like Fox news and CNN have Tiktok accounts where they share news.  I like this way of hearing news since the majority of the youth in our generation uses Tiktok. This can be beneficial because it helps to continue to inform the younger generation about what's going on in the world through a highly used app.  

  1. Instagram (

Like Tiktok, Instagram is another popular and highly used social media platform.  Most well known news stations also have Instagram accounts.  On these accounts they can make both picture posts as well as video posts about what is going on in the world.  Not only does the majority of our youth use Instagram, but many people of all ages have Instagram accounts.  This can be an easy way to spread news to all people on the platform.  

  1. ESPN (

For all the sports fans out there, ESPN is a news outlet that reports sports.  They report both men and women's professional sports as well as college athletics.  This can be good for big sports fans, as well as families who may not be able to come see their college athlete play.  ESPN also offers a subscription called ESPN+ which is around $11.00 a month.  The subscription offers exclusive news and access to certain games that aren’t able to be viewed

by the public.  

  1. New York Daily News (

New York Daily News not only reports about news in New York, but also news around the world.  It reports about crime, politics, sports, food, and even celebrities.  They also have a section for New York crime specifically.  I believe that this is a great website to get news from, whether you are from New York or somewhere else.   

  1. NBC News (

NBC tends to focus on more political and government related news.  Like the New York Daily News it has sections where you can read about different topics.  For example, one that is not political, is Culture & Trends.  NBC reports news for the whole US to read.  This can be a good way for someone to learn about what's happening in our government today.