Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Supreme Court Video

 I truly didn’t know much about the supreme court let alone the government before watching this video.  Of course I knew a little from what I heard in passing on television when my parents would watch the news in the morning or at dinner, and what I would hear when my older relatives talked about politics at family gatherings/holidays.  The video was quite educating, teaching about what the court does on a daily basis and what the people of the court do.  The video itself went in depth into what judges and law enforcement individuals do on a day to day basis.  It also talked about the conflict of personal feelings and views getting involved in the office, office work, and cases, in regards to the justice system and Supreme Court.  

Though it may seem like the Supreme Court is just another piece of the government, and that the decisions they make are not exceedingly important, that is far from the truth.  The Supreme Court is the highest form of court in the United States of America.  It is important to remember how important the US Supreme Court is.  As stressed in the video, the Supreme Court protects all of the rights, laws, and basically everything when it comes to being a United States citizen.  With the Supreme Court playing an essential role in each branch of the government, it is important that all of the members stick together in making important decisions.  I found it interesting after watching the video and further research that there were only nine members, I figured there would be more.  

All in All, the Supreme Court is an extremely important part of the United States Government, as it plays a crucial role in the decision making of multiple factors that contribute to the good of the citizens of its country.  The video not only educated me about the Supreme Court but also made me intrigued to learn more, which lead to me researching on my own.  I believe that this is a great video to show someone who is uneducated or interested in learning about how the government works and how the Supreme Court is the powerhouse that makes up the government.  

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