Thursday, April 25, 2024

Final Post

 I don't have a huge online footprint, or a personal website but I'm on social media.  For most of my day I probably spend it on these apps when I'm on my phone.  I use apps and platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat.  On TikTok I post videos of me or me and my friends hanging out and just posting funny videos.  On Instagram I post pictures of what I'm doing in life and of me and my friends.  On Snapchat I post mainly what I'm doing during the day there.  I also use Snapchat to communicate with my friends.  A visitor could probably assume I love the beach, and that I travel a lot.  They could also assume I love hanging out with my friends.  I’ve given out my email and phone number to these apps and that was to just sign up.  I wish that there were apps being used like Myspace and Vine.  My older brother and cousins grew up on those and I hope they make a comeback.  I don't think social media makes people directly depressed or isolated unless the®re is a circumstance.  Social media is about expressing yourself and being who you are.  

The Videos portray a modern day picture of technology used, however the videos should not be taken as literally due to the relevance of technology in the modern era.  The role of technology is important due to everything including education and jobs to provide us with easy to access information and applications.  

AI has played a major role since the start of Covid-19 and has caused schools to implement their own AI detection systems.  However there are many practical uses for AI as it can be much more efficient than Google.  Some of these practices can include resume building, quick information, and assisted essay writing like grammar checks.  Although some may view AI to be harmful there are many useful ways for AI to be used.  

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