Sunday, April 21, 2024

week 3 Privacy

 How Private is everything in your life?  A question that I would like to start this blog post with.  Many people think that their information and personal needs are kept private online unless they speak about it, but that is far from the truth.  The reality of it is that none of our personal information is protected.  When you buy an app or sign up for something, there is a legal binding contract that we usually have to agree to called Term’s and Services or policies/agreements.  It is that long list that no one actually reads.  However in that long list, it states many things about how the app owns the majority of the stuff we post or write. Legally meaning that what we do is not private.  

  These issues affect me and my friends and family greatly.  It is scary to know that many of them aren’t aware of the invasion of privacy or what is stated in the Terms and Agreements.  I have elderly grandparents who don’t understand certain aspects of social media, or even technology itself.  Being in this class has opened my eyes to all of this craziness and is going to help me when I explain these things to my friends and family.  

The government should be speaking out about these binding agreements and making people aware of what they are getting themselves into.  It is the government's job to be making everyone aware and making them feel safe about their privacy.  When it comes to one's private information, the individual should be respected and so should their thoughts and property.


There is not much we can do to stop this from going on.  Unfortunately, the government has been using contracts like this for years and it would be very hard to just revoke them.  The only way that we could possibly put a stop to this, is if we stop using these apps and forms of media.  

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